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The modus operandi of potato salad

How potato salad 

 The authorities are light foods that people usually prefer because they are rich in vitamins

And minerals because of the presence of vegetables as a key component. The housewife can specialize in preparing types

Different authorities and various components so we will discuss during this article some of the ways that can

Through which the preparation of power, especially potato power, and housewife can indulge in this kind of

Power, and prepared in several easy ways.
 Prepare potato salad with mayonnaise ingredients
 Three beads of

Boiled potatoes. Five cloves of garlic. Two tablespoons of mayonnaise. A pinch of salt. juice

Lemons. Half a teaspoon of white pepper as desired. Method of preparation We climb the potatoes lightly,

And peel them and put them in the electric mixer. Nfrm the garlic well, then add it to the blender with lemon,

Mayonnaise, salt, black pepper, and mix these ingredients well. Put the salad in the serving dish,

 Garnish with a little chopped parsley.

 Prepare potato salad with vegetable ingredients
 Medium onion. Three cloves of garlic. Green or red pepper. A cube of vegetable bouillon.

Three tablespoons of vinegar. Three tablespoons of olive oil. Two cups of warm water. Half

Spoon salt and black pepper. Three large grains of potatoes. Method of Preparation We climb potatoes in water

Boiling with salt. Peel the potatoes after boiling and cut into thin slices, and put them in

Container. Cut the peppers and onions into thin slices. Spread the garlic finely, and put it in a bowl.

Dissolve the vegetable cube in a lukewarm glass of water and add to the sliced ​​potatoes. We bring a pot

Chopped potatoes, added to the vegetable cube, add salt, pepper, vinegar,

Oil, a glass of lukewarm water and chopped vegetables. Mix the ingredients well in one bowl, and leave them for a period

Five minutes, then mix them again, and put them in the serving dish is hot. Potato salad with

Watercress Ingredients Three hundred grams of boiled potatoes cut into small pieces. Watercress.

Green onion sticks into circles. A piece of tomato cut into small pieces. A hundred grams of cheese

Mozzarella cut into cubes. The sauce is two tablespoons of vinegar. Three tablespoons of olive oil.

A pinch of salt. A pinch of black pepper.

 Roasted pine for decoration. How to prepare

 Put the potatoes with watercress in a deep bowl, add green onions, tomatoes and cheese. Mix ingredients

Sauce each other well, then add them to the potato pot and mix them. Put the salad in a bowl

Apply, then adorn it with pine and offer it directly. Potato salad and beetroot plug potatoes

Large-sized and scalded. Beetroot is large in size. A large tomato. A grain of

Medium-sized pepper. Oudan of celery. Great choice. Small onion. The sauce

A pinch of salt. A pinch of black pepper. Half a teaspoon grilled chicken. Lemon juice.

Two tablespoons of olive oil. Garlic of garlic mashed. Method of preparation We climb the potatoes then

Cut it into cubes, rip the beetroot and cut it into cubes, preferably by climbing separately from

potato. Cut the tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions, celery, and put them in a deep bowl. we put

Potatoes and beetroot on chopped vegetables in the bowl. We bring the peppers by mixing the juice

Lemon with garlic clove, olive oil, salt, pepper, and a dash, then set the mixture over power

And turn well. Potato salad with eggs Ingredients: Four small potatoes. Two eggs.

A pinch of salt. A tablespoon of olive oil. A pinch of curry spice. Method of preparing we climb beads

Potatoes in a saucepan on fire, and in another saucepan we will rip the eggplants and leave them until they ripen. Wash

Potatoes in cold water, then peel them and put them in a pot and carefully seed them. Put the potatoes in the dish
M, then sprinkle with salt, curry, and put a little olive oil. Cut the eggs into rings, decorate the dish and sprinkle with salt, curry and olive oil.

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