Chicken Nuggets method
Chicken Nuggets method
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Regular chicken nuggets
the ingredients
Four pieces of skinned chicken fillets. Clove garlic. Small onion onion clip quarters. Two large spoonfuls. Teaspoon salt. quarter tea spoon of black Peper. One egg yolk. Corn oil for frying. For the outer layer: one egg. Teaspoon salt. Black pepper. Biscuit Cup Preparation: Using the meat mixture, grind the chicken fillet with onion and garlic, taking into account the choice of small hole disc. Add the crisps, salt, pepper, egg yolk, and stir the ingredients until you get a smooth and homogeneous mixture. In a large tray, place a sheet of butter, separate the chicken mixture with about one centimeter thick, and then wrap it with a second piece of butter paper. Place the chicken in the refrigerator until it is cohesive and easy to cut. Cut the chicken mixture with a slice of biscuit in different shapes. To cover: In a deep bowl, place the egg, pepper, salt, and stir the ingredients in the fork. In another bowl, place the crutches. Place a piece of chicken in the egg mixture to cover it with a light layer, then transfer to the bowl of the crumbs and stir lightly until covered with a plentiful layer of crisps. In a deep frying pan, put the frying oil and rise over medium heat. Fry the chicken pieces until they become golden in color and serve directly.
Chicken Nuggets with Pancake Baked Ingredients
One large egg. One-third cup milk. Four hundred and fifty grams of chicken breasts cut into pieces of the size of the veggies. One and a half cups of panko. A teaspoon of garlic powder. One-quarter teaspoon Barbara. Spoon of Italian spices. salt and pepper as needed. Half cup vegetable oil. Preparation Egg and milk beat in medium-sized bowl, and chicken pieces are mixed in egg mixture. In another bowl, place the crumbs, add paprika, garlic powder, Italian spices, salt and pepper, and mix well. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Remove the chicken from the egg mixture, and drain. Dip the chicken pieces into the crutches with stirring until the quince folds all sides. Place the chicken in the oil gently, and fry for about five minutes on each side, until the golden color and ripen. Place the chicken in the serving dish until it cools, and serve.
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